The Water Palace, Bali

I feel proud of my family when we travel. Granted, this may come across as braggart, and I don’t intend it to be. I know we are extremely lucky with the amount of travel in our lives. Kevin and I have created a lifestyle that affords us this luxury. So, for how ever many times we’ve been to multiple spots in Asia, I’m proud that we still get out and about and adventure around our destinations. For example, one day we spent visiting the Water Palace in Bali. It was beautiful as these pictures will show. Of course it’s nice to rest and relax during a vacation, but we will always make the effort to learn about some cultural aspects of the places we travel. This immersion makes the love for the destination even stronger. And for as many times that we’ve been to Bali, I’d say the love is pretty strong!

We stayed in a new area of Bali this time: the east side. From Candidasa to Amed we took a little detour and stopped at the Water Palace (Taman Soekasada Ujung). It was spectacular. One of the things I like best about seeing palaces is pretending I’m a princess. Corny right? But who the heck wouldn’t want to envision a previous life as royalty. I know any time I visit historical sites, I like to imagine I lived there once upon a time. Who knows? Maybe my belief that in a previous life I was an Italian princess is quite true. No harm done in that little make belief part of my life….

My mind is definitely at work here pretending I’m looking out my Water Palace bedroom view!

This is my dear, dear mother-in-law, Jane. I’d like to just call her “Mom” as I have been blessed with a second mother in her. We have a great time traveling together–we always have. I met and fell in love with her son in 1993, so Jane has been a part of half my life. I can remember the trips we started taking together 20 years ago. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: Jane and Alex are our best traveling buddies. We’ve seen much of the world with these two. Kevin definitely got his wanderlust from his father, and Jane lovingly knew this about Alex. It was one of his personal facts about himself upon proposing marriage to Jane, she is always game. And yet, Jane also knows when it’s best to just stay behind and take in some self care. Hmmm. Sounds about right to me! The two of us had many a relaxing afternoons on this trip laying side by side receiving relaxing massages. We also had plenty of opportunities to just sit, talk, catch up, and for me receive important knowledge about how to live my life. I love Jane. So much!

Aside from my selfish love of getting to spend time with Jane, it was also really special to see my Jane’s attentive grandmother care to my kids. They call her “Grammy,” and they do love her so. She makes them laugh, feel listened to, and definitely filled with her love. Jane is an amazing grandmother to Vincent and Gigi. While at the Water Palace I had fun sneaking up and catching Jane in action, just hanging about and talking with the kids while the other three (nerdy) adults (Alex, Kevin and me) ventured around the palace.

I thought this was so sweet: Jane getting her selfie to send to her sisters and friends. She’s very, very good at communication via email and WhatsApp. She has to be–her three sons all live in Asia!

Flower taking is a must in Bali, and I can’t be sure who actually took these two pictures as we were all having a try with my new camera.

Ok, these two birds were so weird. All of a sudden at the Water Palace along walks this completely white turkey. We were shocked when all of a sudden an all black one showed up. I’ve never seen something like this before! It was an interesting site.

And last but not least a Hindu God statue–all of Bali is a display case for Hinduism. I never tire of the beautiful Gods and Goddesses.

And there you have it: our visit to the Water Palace in Bali.

When you travel is it all R&R or do you get out and about?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!