Restyled White Shirt, A Book and an Outfit, and I Love Hong Kong: Big Wave Bay

I couldn’t decide which series to categorize this post. On the one hand lately for Wednesdays, I’ve been taking an item from the previous Wednesday post and restyling it. Two weeks ago on Wednesday I had restyled the plaid pants from three weeks ago which was a restyle of this Jaws sweatshirt. Now this postContinue reading Restyled White Shirt, A Book and an Outfit, and I Love Hong Kong: Big Wave Bay

Leopard Love Still Going Strong and Why I’ve Been Silent

Years ago–six to be exact, when I started posting my outfits versus only family updates, one of my most favorite style posts was this over-the-top Leopard Love moment. Ironically, as I write, I’m wearing a black silky shirt covered in both leopard and cheetah animals. There’s something about animal print and fall that are synonymousContinue reading Leopard Love Still Going Strong and Why I’ve Been Silent