{International} Drugstore Roundup

DrugstoreRoundupDuring our most recent trip to Jakarta, I recognized a ritual that I conduct whenever I travel. I always, I mean always, enter into a drugstore and just collect a couple of unique items from that place. This got me thinking…I’ve been doing this for years! And because of this ritual, I then hoard certain products when I revisit different locations. Here are a few of the items that I seem to collect from around the world–luckily many of them can be accessed through Amazon!

1. Unfortunately I haven’t had this product in years, BUT! I was happy to find it online in #6! When we were living in Venezuela, we would often head to Margarit Island for little weekend get-aways. During one such weekend, I kept smelling this AMAZING fragrance!! Once I identified the (hot) Latina sporting the scent, I did indeed have to ask. It was none other than her sunscreen–mind you a mere SPF of #2! She was wearing Nivea Carrot Lotion. Well, I became an addict and my Venzeulan compadres, Mary Kelly and Giovanni kept me stocked for a few more years after I left. Sadly, very unfortunately, I doubt this product may be found in Venezuela right now, but if I were to smell it, it would take me right back to Margarita Island….

2. On one of our layovers going home from Mumbai, we stopped in London. (We did this often as it took sooooo long to get home. Staying the night somewhere made it possible.) On this layover, we had about 8 hours, and I have no idea what part of London we went into. But, oh! Did I hit a drugstore jackpot! They had this brand called Barry M (I have since realized that’s as famous as Covergirl or Mayebelline) and all the eye shadows were just so impressive. I had the toughest time choosing, and I think I walked out with at least six colors. They were all just so sparkly and pretty–hence their name Dazzle Dust. If I ever see Barry M again, I’ll buy six more, easily!

3. In Thailand, the grocery stores are phenomenal. I am not kidding. They are just extraordinary shopping destinations. On one of our first visits while living in India, I happened upon Madame Heng’s Care Spa Rose Soap. Oh, it’s decadent! It has little exfoiliating specks in it, and the smell is like nothing you’ve ever sniffed in your life! I adore it!

4. While David Letiecq was in Kuala Lumpur we visited him. During a drugstore visit there, I picked up some Bio Oil. Guys, this stuff is amazing! It’s is so hydrating for the skin! I use it as lotion all the time, and when it’s especially dry, like when we lived in Beijing, I dripped it into my bath. I love how this oil just seems to correct my skin. I highly recommend this for any scar issues as well.

5. Suave Dry Shampoo is my hair’s necessity. When I’m in the States, I go to Target and pick up the 2 for 1 package that’s a little bit cheaper. I keep a bottle of this at my desk at school (along with many other items!) as well as at home. Even though this one does leave you with a little bit of the white powder look, it’s easy to shake out and out of all the dry shampoos I’ve tried, this one works the best! Plus, the smell is nominal.

6. Here’s an honest little bit about me: a couple of years ago I was so self conscious about my body odor. Well, a visit to the dermatologist set me straight. She recommended Certain Dri: it has no smell, it’s a roll-on, and it somehow does the trick. It’s the weirdest thing, but this concoction of chemicals seems to work for me–without any extra scents as it’s fragrance free. I now swear by this product and bring it back from the States in batches. I don’t want to run out of this secret!

7. Here in Hong Kong, I’ve found a number of goodies especially at our magical beauty store called Sasa. These little Japanese wipees called Magic Ice are perfect for those sweaty afternoons out and about in HK. They are little deordorant wipes, and while they’re not the cure like #6, they do work in a, shall I say, stinky situation. I keep one or two of these wipes in my purse pouch for any body odor emergencies….(As far as I know, Sasa is the only place to pick these up–of course I’d be happy to get some for you…just let me know;)

This post has ended, but I’m realizing there are still so many products that I collect from around the world! I’ll save those for another post. Do you have any products that you could share with me? I would really love to know! And then….I’ll have to figure out how to acquire!


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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!