Well, it hasn’t been the Thanksgiving we anticipated, but we all remain in good cheer here at the house.  Despite the devastation outside, the kids are happy and excited to have the tree up.  Christmas season is here!  Happy Thanksgiving.  We are so thankful for all of you.

Mumbai, November 26th

Well, it hasn’t been the Thanksgiving we anticipated, but we all remain in good cheer here at the house.  Despite the devastation outside, the kids are happy and excited to have the tree up.  Christmas season is here!  Happy Thanksgiving.  We are so thankful for all of you.

Over a year ago Adrian was visiting us here in Mumbai.  Every now and then we’d stop him to take a photo of us—just in case we could use it for our Christmas card.  I’ll post a couple in the next few weeks as you prepare to get our Christmas card this year.  I likeContinue reading

Baby Kiara

Last night Gizelle and her husband Vipul and her baby Kiara came over to join us for dinner.  The kids were ECSTATIC to have some baby time.  They just loved playing with her and watching her every move.  She’s really sweet—as you can see!

Last night Gizelle and her husband Vipul and her baby Kiara came over to join us for dinner.  The kids were ECSTATIC to have some baby time.  They just loved playing with her and watching her every move.  She’s really sweet—as you can see!