Young Man in the House

young man

We will have a young man in the house tomorrow. On May 7th, 13 years ago, Vincent Freuen Krembs was born in Caracas, Venezuela. I won’t say it feels like yesterday. It doesn’t. We’ve been through a ton as a family. But, it does feel like the time has flown. I can remember the chubby little babe that made me and so many others just gush. I can remember the toddler that always looked after his little sister with such pride and care. There’s the young boy who played soccer, learned to ride a bike, and batted his first pitches on Juhu Beach in Bombay. “I don’t think so!” was his signature statement in Beijing. He was late to speak, late to poo, and late to read, but now he does all those just fine! He used to have trouble with his “r’s” but now they’re all fine too. Vincent is super strong–now stronger than everyone in the family, maybe even Kevin; now it’s a matter of just how strong will he get. In the most recent weeks, he’s growing at an exponential rate. I sometimes don’t recognize him. Both his eyebrows and voice have shifted becoming more masculine. He’s definitely becoming a young man.

young man

Both Kevin and I are very proud of Vincent. He’s still as cautious and aware as he was back at 3 years of age. Yet now his caution is preempted with sincerity and thoughtfulness. Vincent is a sensitive being. I can always count on him to mull things over, sit back and take things in, and then react in profound and insightful ways. As proud parents, we love the comments that come from his teachers who notice the same insight. He notices when I need help–for example rather than asking if he can take my bag, he just takes it. He clears my plate instinctively. He steps aside to let me go through the door first. He comes in to say goodnight to me at night. For each of these actions, my heart bursts with pride as I’m witnessing the gentle man I’ve always hoped he’d become.

young man

Tomorrow Vincent will be 13. Kevin jokes that he thinks I’m more excited than Vincent. Kevin could be right. I’m just so proud of the individual Vincent is becoming. I enjoy his company, and despite any rockiness that accompanies a teen mind that may lay ahead of us, I have faith that Vincent will always treat Kevin and me with respect and kindness. He’s just that kind of young man.

Happy Birthday Vincent!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Young Man in the House

  1. Love that boy and the young man he is becoming! xoxo Tia Maizie

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