
I feel like reminiscing….Was it really two months ago when I was trapesing around Rajasthan, India. I want to take a moment to relive that trip. It’s funny: I’m at an educational conference this weekend  where the world becomes quite small and one’s experiences get shared. I am always so proud to say that I lived in Mumbai–or rather Bombay as I prefer to call it. Those five years from from 2004-2009 have made such an impact in my life: so much so that I feel part Indian inside. Without getting too religious, I had an interesting conversation with my daughter recently. She was telling me that I had to give God (the Catholic one) all my devotion. She claimed it wasn’t possible to go halvies with Ganesha and Jesus. I simply listened; I didn’t attempt to argue with a 13 year old. But, I definitely don’t agree. Does that make me pagan? We’re saving this question for my mom–the lady who was a nun for five years and can get quite philosophical just like her granddaughter. The point is, how could I not have many gods after witnessing 20 years of different cultures and religions? This summer will mark 20 years married, 20 years overseas. After six countries and so much travel all over the world, I’ve got all sorts of ways of praying and many deities that receive those prayers. I think this is ok. Hopefully, one day, my daughter may think the same. One thing for sure that is a commonality that I find amongst all the religions I know of is Confucius’ Golden Rule: “Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself.” With this rambling reminiscing I’ll end by wishing you a great day and an even better weekend!

*This post has been linked up to #iwillwearwhatilike.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

4 thoughts on “Reminiscing 

  1. I liked this reminisce post!
    Having strayed from Catholicism many years ago myself I have always felt spiritual and I agree with you about embracing a larger sense of belief and faith. Gigi will continue to find her way and she clearly has a good foundation for meanderings needed. I LOVE that your mother was a nun and certainly her perspective would be one to cherish even if it isn’t one you agree with.
    That big ol’ gorgeous door you chose to pose with was very evocative and symbolic. Your styling was warm and fuzzy on top and bright and cool on the bottom. More ying- yang ?

  2. I’m of the same mindset. I grew up an atheist within a family of Catholics (my brother is a priest, my aunt Mother Superior, my uncle a pastor, my great-uncle an Archbishop, to name but a few), Muslims, and Taoists yet I chose to be baptised when I was 10. To me, my God is the same god across any religion which propagates
    selflessness, love, and compassion, the only difference being that he
    operates under different names. And, for me, the most important thing is to think and behave in a manner which bodes no ill-will, malice, nor envy. These aren’t always possible, of course, we are but humans, but I feel that the act of doing our best effectively crosses all religious borders. Gigi will find her path as she continues to evolve and meet more people, and the sheer fact that you’re not putting her opinion down, nor saying it’s your way or the highway shows a great deal in terms of how we all ought to be – open-minded, willing to understand the ways of others even if they aren’t in accordance with our own, and the flexibility to agree to disagree. That, to me, is the foundation of a spiritual person regardless of her/his faith xoxo

  3. lovely attitude!, I think it’s better not arguing about faith, just embrace all the good things in every person (and keep away from toxic people).
    And I love your shiny pleated pants! and sneakers!

    1. Thank you Señora Allnut. Yes, there’s no good done in arguing about faith. And a BIG yes to embracing the good in all people!

      These pants were perfect for traveling in as were the sneakers. I think I wore them pretty much every day for 21 days!!

      Love, Ann

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