Call Me Joanie

Here’s my mom, Joanie! She has amazing style: I’d like to attribute my love of clothing and fashion to her. She’d always get me to wear the zaniest get ups like the time I wore black bermudas with a button down and tie with loafer and knee highs. Admittedly I was a bit of her guinea pig, and I’d do whatever she said, but as a result I love fashion, trends, clothes, and shopping. I do try things sartorially: I’m usually colorful and full of patterns or textures, I’ll try the newest trends just to see if they work on me, and I am a very eclectic dresser. I think all of this is because of my mom. Oh, the days she’d come home with a bag full of new clothes from K-Mart or Lamonts! Granted they were not name brands, but I didn’t care. They were always bold and fresh and a little funky–just for me. Thanks Mom for influencing me so much!


*My mom is such a good sport. She had just taken these shots of me and then embraced a turn for herself. She saw the phone booth and went to it. While I have an artist in residence, I’m going to take advantage of her eye and get some more outfit pics in. She’s right up there with Gigi when it comes to taking my photos!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!